
Join me as I start my family’s homesteading journey. I currently work full time as a Registered Nurse and live on 0.4 acres of land in New England suburbia. Ideal for gardening and raising farm animals? No. But life is never ideal. And the only way to achieve a dream is to start.

  • I am a wife and mom to 2, two and under, working full time nights as a registered nurse at the bedside. I have always lived in the comfort of the suburbs and the extent of my
    ”farming” knowledge is how to care for a dog and how to water cut flowers.

  • My dream is for my home: to work it, to grow it, and to cultivate the faith and lives of the tiny humans living in it.

  • Homesteading is often seen through rose-colored glasses. Join my journey as we live in the true nitty gritty: frugal living, early mornings, lots of wins and even more mistakes. I not only want to learn how to slow down and live a more simple lifestyle; I moreso want to learn how that life can be sustained beyond the fad and through the difficult days.

Finding My “Why”

Click the photo to read my first blog post!